For me personally StagePool is the best opportunity to keep track of news in the musical theatre- and show business from everywhere. England, Germany or Switzerland (where I work now thanks to StagePool)… Everywhere you can get the latest news about jobs and events.

Anne Maria Schmid
Musical theatre performer from Germany

I just wanted to thank you for your professionalism, great contacts, good connections!

Annette Schreiber
Actress from Germany

StagePool is excatly what an artist needs!

Dr. Michael Kunze
Author and Translator

Your portal is reliable and you guys are too, everything worked just great, you were always approachable and everything worked out. You are great!

Lisa Fitz

StagePool is the future, this internet portal is fantastic and unbeatable. It has everything a producer needs. There is nothing comparable!

Björn Ulveaus

StagePool is fast, fuss-free, free of charge and at the same time really nice – you guys are great!

Andreas Schmidt
Berliner Kindertheater

Thank you for the wonderful service. I don't know what I would have done without StagePool!

Leigh-Anne Vizer
Musical dancer from Australia

StagePool fills in a blank which is essential for artists; to know where auditions take place…!

Julie Pequet
Sängerin, Tänzerin, Choreografin, Coach, Schauspielerin

StagePool makes my job so much easier and I’m so glad that you exist! We just made good experiences with artists who came through StagePool – way to go!

Frank Serr
Frank Serr Showservice Int.

StagePool is just great, I always find top artists here!

Björn Ulvaeus

StagePool is a fast tool for casting directors. DigiCV simplifies the communication!

Clemens Erbach
Deutscher CastingVerband, Filmmakers und Outcast

In my opinion the concept of StagePool is amazing and I often enjoy its benefits!

Ronny Rindler

You do a great job, compliments!

Florian Schneider
Singer from Switzerland

With the help of StagePool I became a Star in Austria!

Jürgen Pendl

In our last two productions all roles were almost exclusively taken by actors from StagePool!

Peter Körner
Spielball Theater

StagePool provides a good service, and I use your data base regularly and count on the reliable cooperation!

Peter Meier
Casting Director

In my job as a casting director I find the easy and quick eChiffre/DigiCV-application very helpful. Because of the clearly arranged listing and the numerous applicants a lot of roles could be filled. For future projects I will use the support of StagePool again.

Kristin Diehle

Nowhere else you can find so many job offers for performers like here at StagePool. It was a big opportunity for me to find a job as an actor for summer 2005 in Berlin through StagePool!

Christoph Heusser
Actor from Germany

I just wanted to let you know how great the work is you are doing. I was looking for a website like this for such a long time and I’m really happy, finally you can get job offers from all segments. One can not always just work in the field of musical theatre.

Kathy Krause
Musical theatre performer from Germany

Three weeks after signing up with StagePool I got an offer for a leading role in a new TV format. And that wasn’t the only offer I got. Other casting agencies contacted me and this resulted in new jobs.

Peter Manitz

Through StagePool I found my first job after school. I played Franz Matischek in the play „Die Schöne Lügnerin“. And I wasn’t the only one, my colleague Frieder Ott (Zar Alexander) also found his job through StagePool!

Simon Klaas
Actor from Germany

At StagePool you can decide which job offer is interesting for you. I like that you are able to send your application with photos and showreel to the producer with just one mouse click!

Bernie Blanks

At StagePool you have access to diverse offers. I was able not only to find job offers for musical theatre productions, but also for other possibilities like photo shootings for commercials or jobs for actors!

Judith Lefeber

At StagePool you can get all the information you need as a performer – great!

Annika Bruhns
Actress and singer from Germany

How advertising with StagePool works

  • Employers, producers and casting directors always advertise for free on StagePool!

  • StagePool has thousands of jobseekers looking for jobs in the culture and entertainment industry. The people who match your ad can send their DigiCV to you with a single click!

  • DigiCV means you can see photos, showreels, sound files and contact the person directly - by message or telephone.

  • Either manage your job applicantsĀ on your own pageĀ or receive a compilation by email.

  • Should you have further questions please contact us on and we'll be happy to assist you.

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You are a few steps from being discovered by more than 10,000 employers and casting directors

You are a few steps from earning more between 50 and 3 500 EUR per assignment

You are a few steps from applying for 80 000 paid assignments per year

Jobseeker? Sign up here

Create an employer account

Create a free account here if you're an employer, producer or casting director and want to list a job ad to look for performers, actors, extras and backstage crew.